Anyhoo, to the good part. Seeing as I am going to be abandoned by my friend, at least she has left me a parting gift. Her very gorgeous, very cute and adorable Springer Spaniel.
See here, our newest addition to the family, Teal!
And in honour of Teal, I found a gorgeous nail polish in a trip to Superdrug that I just had to have. the colour is, wait for it....Teal, and the shade is a very nostalgically named 'Button Moon'. It cost £1.95, and is a Collection 2000 polish. The picture has made it look like a baby blue, but in reality it has a nice mermaidy green undertone (and anything that reminds me of mermaids gives me a warm fuzzy).
Now, despite it looking a gorgeous colour, I really wasn't impressed with the formulation. For some reason, it just seems to me that lighter shades of polish tend to be a bit 'gloopier'. I had to paint on at least 3 thick coats to get the coverage I wanted and for the colour to look even and without streaks.
Let me know if you know of any good cheap brands that don't have this problem. A dark polish girl I shall remain. My little sister however looks quite cute with this shade on, so this shall be a hand-me-down that isn't exactly worthy of the vintage phrase seeing as I only had it a day! :o)